Navy Sailor Olivia Degenkolb with The Constitutional Colonel Larry Kaifesh Show #2 October 20, 2022

2 years ago

Larry Kaifesh sat down this week with Olivia Degenkolb, who began her 20-year Navy career as an enlisted Sailor. She exceled, and after completing her degrees in Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics, was commissioned as a Naval Flight Officer. 

She has deployed on multiple aircraft carriers, was a recipient of the 2011 Joyce Stewart Award for diversity and inclusion, was awarded an Olmsted Scholarship, and was selected by the Secretary of the Navy to represent the United States as an Assistant Naval Attaché (Designate) to China.  After completing training and moving preparations, her diplomatic assignment was withheld due to her COVID-19 vaccination status.  Despite having a pending religious accommodation request and protected status as a whistleblower, she has lost her diplomatic assignment, the Navy refused to release her household belongings for nearly a year, has denied leave and training opportunities, and has initiated administrative action to end her career. 

She has actively supported hundreds of service members and civilians to advocate for their constitutional rights and exercise their legal right to refuse emergency use authorized products. 

Check Out the petition Circulating AND PLEASE SIGN!!!!

Petition for a Congressional Investigation of Illegal Department of Defense Activity (Joshua Hoppe started this petition)

This Petition to Congress is open for anyone to sign whether you are Military, DoD Civilian, or a Concerned Citizen of the United States of America who believes in the rule of law and the statutory protections provided by the Constitution which so many of us have sworn to defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

Please read the one-page Petition to Congress.

Here is the Whistleblower Report of Illegal DoD Activity of 15 Aug 22.

Here is Senator Ron Johnson's Letter to the DoD, FDA, and CDC on 18 Aug 22.

Please sign this petition to request that Congress fully investigate the illegal actions of the DoD surrounding these mandates. The Petition will remain open as long as necessary. The first wave of signatures was sent to Congress on 1 Sep 22 with over 5,000 signatures! The second wave of signatures was sent on 3 Oct 22. The next date we will be sending this to Congress is Tuesday, November 1st. Let's break 10k+ signatures before then!

Please share on all your social media platforms, directly with your family and friends, and with any organization that can send it out to their contacts as well!

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