Pauline Weaver Rendezvous 2022

2 years ago

With the founding of the Rocky Mountain Fur Company by William Ashley and Andrew Henry in 1822 came a revolutionary approach to the problem of collecting the furs trapped by mountain men. Ashley, instead of scattering fur trading posts over the entire West, established an annual "Rendezvous" where hundreds of trappers could flock together to drink whiskey, run races, socialize and, of course, exchange their valuable beaver pelts for money and goods. This Rendezvous takes place outside of Ashfork Arizona and is held in honor of Powell Weaver It was among the people of Taos that his given name Powell was changed to the more-familiar to Spanish speakers Paulino, which in turn was changed to Pauline by English speakers. A number of geographic features in Arizona are named after him. He contracted malaria and refused to go to Fort Whipple for treatment. He was found dead on June 21, 1867 and was buried at the Camp Verde army post with full military honors in recognition for his military service and for his services in keeping peace with the Indians. When the military closed the Camp Verde post, Weaver’s remains were moved to San Francisco, California. In 1929, school children raised money to have his body returned to Arizona, and he was buried for the third and final time on the grounds of the Arizona territorial capital at Prescott, Arizona.

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