The Sunday Show : Chris Woollams interviews Margarita Barnett who beat odds on lung cancer

2 years ago

Chris Woollams interviewed 85 year old Margarita Barnett, brought by her daughter Jenny to Chris in 2019 after being given 4 months to live with terminal lung cancer. 10 months later, her scans show she is clear; Chris built a tailored programme around her chemo to make it more effective and reduce side-effects.

This video was made for the Chris Woollams Sunday Show on CANCERactive, the Number 1 U.K. complementary helping people increase their personal odds of survival.

We will only be releasing a very few of the shows on You Tube. In 2021 we will be recording probably 20 more shows with people who have beaten their cancer (Sir Geoffrey Boycott, Mark Gittens and more) or experts in fields such as the microbiome, IVC or alternative cancer clinics and what they have to offer.

To find out more about our Sunday Shows please click

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