We REACT To Andrew Tate On Fresh & Fit Podcast

2 years ago

#andrewtate #jamiebossom #reaction
we react to andrew tate on fresh and fit Podcast

we are also streaming on rumble!
if you enjoy our react videos to andrew tate the top g and his brother tristan tate, do stick around, we're going to upload a video every day, and of the audio isn't that good, don't worry, we'll be getting better mic equipment soon, we have plans to become entrepreneur, by varying what we react to, if you have other people that's worth reacting to, please comment them, and I'll have a look, inspirational and motivation people are great options

we plan to do alot more reactions to future videos that we find interesting, wether it be motivational, controversial or otherwise, we hope you enjoy our content including Andrew tate and his brother tristan tate, we're looking at other people to reaction to, such as Jordan Peterson and Ben shapiro!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bossom_jamie
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jamiebossom
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamiebossom1/

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