HOLY PROFIT Pfizer expected to hike U.S. COVID vaccine price to $110-$130 per dose starting Q1 2023

2 years ago

Note that Pfizer's announcement on the price hike was made only 1 day after the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted unanimously to add the mRNA injections to the childhood schedule. Now the 'emergency' (and the Emergency Use Authorization, EUA) can finally end, because any 'vaccine' on the childhood schedule provides immunity from product liability to the manufacturer, even if said 'vaccine' is injected in adults. See:

Vaccine manufacturers are sacrificing children's health to keep liability shield

Reuters reports:

"Pfizer Inc expects to roughly quadruple the price of its COVID-19 vaccine to about $110 to $130 per dose after the United States government's current purchase program expires, Pfizer executive Angela Lukin said on Thursday. ...

"The U.S. government currently pays around $30 per dose to Pfizer and German partner BioNTech."


SOURCE: https://news.yahoo.com/pfizer-expected-hike-u-covid-160716553.html

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