Is Trump on the same team as Obama and Co.?

2 years ago

James Corbett answers a question from "BlinkyMJF" in his reddit AMA. View the AMA thread here:

Question: Hello James,

First I'd like to thank you for the awesome work you have done so far. I'm probably going to join your website, after all you were the one who opened my eyes and mind for new ideas.

My question is: Do you believe that Trump is a part of the same group as Obama and co. More precise the Bilderbergers?

Some background for the question: I've seen Angela Merkel and Germanys foreign minister talk about Trump in very negative way. Steienmeier (Bilderberger) went even so far as to say that "Old world order is gone and global disorder has taken it's place". On top of that there are of course Soros, Hillary and Obama who are against Trump. An Israeli government official said that they have now true ally in the office and started building after Obama left presidency. So to me it looks like there's two different sides fighting over global power. The Bilderbergers seems like a more tight knit group. The other group is just beginning to contact each other and ally up (Putin, some of Israeli right wing etc). I'm not saying that Trump is any kind of saviour or anything, just that I think he isn't working with Bilderbergers' nwo agenda. Trump will have his on mischiefs if the Bilderbergers can't get him onboard with them. To me it seems like a far stretch that the rivalry is just show.

Germany warns Donald Trump’s presidency ‘marks end of old world order’ – WBNews
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