Springfield Armory Hellion - Part 2 Feature Weighted Analysis

2 years ago

In this episode, I’ll be giving value or weight to each feature to ultimately determine at what price I’d prefer the Hellion over the KelTec RDB, which we’ll use as the lowest, that is, the base price for the ambi bullpup rifles.

In each category, how much better in dollars is one rifle over another. Or another way to look at it, how much would I be willing to pay to get the weakest rifle to equal the best.

AmbGun Hellion Page

Feature Valuation Spreadsheet

0:00 Recap
0:19 Methodology
1:18 Mag Release
2:14 Bolt Release
2:44 Safety
3:10 Charging Handle
3:30 Trigger
4:21 Gas Adjustment
4:36 Weight
4:53 Ejection
5:14 Durability
6:01 Reliability
6:25 Malf Handling
7:00 Forward Assist
7:20 Barrel to Pic
7:52 Iron Sights
8:09 Barrel
8:31 Price
9:49 Hellion Fixes

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