Post EAS Announcement, this video can help Fam and Friends further awaken. ALL OF THIS VIDEO IS TRUE

2 years ago

This video is only to be used under the following conditions:

1) Either during or after the Emergency Alert System has been shown to the public, either through the re-captured MSM channels or via the one military channel that will be in full-swing.

2) Someone who was asleep as to the reality of our world has now said they believe what you are saying, can you help fill in some of the gaps. This video is a very brief summary but it's advantage is it is brief (under 10 minutes) and ends with the link to "Q, Be The Plan." which puts the Q-Anon movement in front of them unashamedly as the reality which it is. EVERTHING SHOWN IN THIS VIDEO IS TRUE.

When they wake up, it is up to them to "catch up" to what you know and while you can supply the written word and video proof to fill in the blanks, always remember these important points:

Their journey is their journey and respect their choosing to understand what is true to THEM or not.

As Les Brown, famed motivational speaker has said: "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still."

Some family and friends are like a brick wall: Set in their ways and all mixed up. You cannot change their minds, no matter what you say or show them.

So, if the conditions of the EAS or their asking about your "conspiracy theories" surface and they have some inkling that they need to find out more, show them this video.

I predict 2 possible responses:

1) They'll ask for more of the same, which you can provide them or
2) They will not believe any of it, which is their choice and so just agree with them that your beliefs are yours and their beliefs are theirs and agree to disagree.

Move on with your family and friends if #1 is true.

Move on without your family and friends if #2 is true.

Hope this helps in moving from the red pill matrix to the upcoming light and the Golden Age of Mankind.

WWG1WGA and more importantly: NCSWIC

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