2 years ago

“Deception is a catalyst used in all unjust wars, where the willful hidden, structured compartmentalization of a sovereign’s motive is not known, over his deluded subordinates.”

“If men do not conquer the immediate realm of their own sinful fallen hearts, a complete overhaul of mind, body, soul and spirit, then his journey into the Unfathomable depths of the universe will propagate a future no different than his current state of existence, a future doomed to eternal chaos.”

For more information:

https://www.Amazingfacts. Org, Bible study guides, Did God created the devil, Is the devil in charge of hell, the dooms day of Babylon, Revelation final warning, Panorama of prophecy, Landmarks of prophecy, Most amazing prophecy etc.
https://www. Amazingdiscoveries. Org, Total Onslaught, The occult agenda, That all may be one, The new age movement, what is the new world order, The wine of Babylon, the two beasts become friends, the man behind the mask, etc.
https://www.EG white estates. Org, Great Controversy, Last Days Events etc.

I do not own any part of this video information, all credits to the makers, the Lord Jesus, above all.

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