2 years ago

End Times prophetic connections to CERN

CERN and GESDA plans and goals that coincide with the sustainable development plan
** At the 26min mark - during the clip of their conference- it’s quite interesting to hear him say science and spirituality are coming “much closer.” Even more so, his references to telepathy!!

I’ll add that even if we can’t prove exactly where Antipas was killed. I do believe the church of Pergamum stretches beyond Turkey, but also to those who built temples to Zeus and Apollo specifically. And the connection to revelation Apollyon “destroyer” and CERN and shiva are evident.
“A large portion of CERN, the European laboratory for particle physics, is located within the territory of Saint-Genis-Pouilly; the ALICE experiment is located on the periphery of the town, and the main entrance to the primary CERN campus (Meyrin) and the ATLAS experiment are located only 3 km from the centre of St Genis. “
“Pouilly” was another name for apolliacum - which was dedicated to Apollo. You gotta dig deeper into the history of Geneva. Modern-day Switzerland wasn’t always called that. And it is a uniquely located area- Saint Genis Pouilly and Geneva Switzerland border France, Germany, Austria, and Italy. Italy is considered part of Asia Minor and other parts as well. Not to mention had heavy Roman roots and Greek as well.

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