David Shaw - Climate Change & Making Mississauga Green - UTM

2 years ago

As a mayoral candidate for Mississauga, David Shaw was invited to speak at The University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) on October 19, 2022.  In this 1.32min speech, David Shaw talks about climate change and green energy.

🌐 Website: https://iwillworkforthepeople.ca

🙋🏽 Request a yard sign, support or volunteer: mayordavid2022mississauga@proton.me

🗳 Voting info: https://mississaugavotes.ca/for-voters

📌 Google map - Election Day voting stations: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?entry=yt&mid=1NDrKd_QPlDMKpb3z6uq2hZtRy4G8vF0&ll=43.61931312791047%2C-79.67292420000001&z=11

👉👉 THIS MONDAY is the FINAL VOTING DAY! Please vote DAVID SHAW for Mayor, Monday, October 24! Thank you!

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