Karl Krebs stands up in Winkler, MB, against NWO selected Agenda 21 hegemony

2 years ago

The world is being taken over, one continent, one country, province and city at a time. Winkler, Manitoba, is no different. People are losing their rights, their freedoms and their wealth, all to be hander over to a few unelected non-Canadian shadowy overlords in a grand heist of our nation.

A few ordinary citizens have seen the coming Avalanche and the associated sociopolitical terror unleashed through non-stop fear mongering in the name of Covid, Vaccine, Mask, Lockdown and more, to destroy family bonds, social bonds and human rights. These handfuls have decided to stand up and fight, through the electoral system, to save their kids from psychological programming, and save the society from implosion.

Karl Krebs of Manitoba is one such. I had the pleasure of interviewing him.

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