Sam Debates Caller On Support For Ukraine

2 years ago

Ronald Raygun calls in with his plea for continuing support for Ukraine. Raygun is very strongly in support of continuing US military support for Ukraine, but Sam is asking what the conditions of victory look like.

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Look I don't wanna tone police. I'm gonna say my piece on Ukraine and then we can. I'll leave it at that. okay. so I know obviously I've called him before I mentioned my wife is from Ukraine. My mother-in-law who's sick in the other room is too. and you know when I read on Twitter there are explosions in Kyiv I've got to let them know so that they can call people and like to make sure things are okay. So I understand that there's like a personal bias that comes into this. But you know and I followed the war probably closer than a lot of people because of that. But from my perspective, Western weapons are highly effective. They're taken aback by a huge amount of territory. They're being used to protect the skies, the air defense systems, and things that they've received from Europe in the West. But also I just think like Digby said the other day there is growing Global fascism. and it's a serious thing. And the Russian army is at potentially a breaking point. I know that's a scary position for them to be in. but to me, that's a good thing that they are defeated. The other day Putin announced the annexation of four territories. and I don't think you guys covered it but he basically gave Tucker Carlson style there was part of it. There was a Tucker, it was from Tucker Carlson about how in the west they'll change your kid's gender and they make up Pro like it's straight out of a Tucker monologue. Yeah yeah, I don't know if we ever got footage of that. So if there's time for and I know it's not that kind of show. But like if there are 20 minutes to talk about Joe Rogan getting a cat box story wrong. Like it Bears mentions that a nuclear power that's engaged in an unprovoked war of aggression against a country of 45 million people is talking about Exterminating LGBT people. And using the same terminology as our fascists who are also in a position of potentially Rising back to Power. And that's like a scary place to be in and we should be standing up against it and fighting against it.

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