Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church Worship Service - October 23, 2022

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Sermons by Pastor David Whitney, Senior Instructor of Institute on the Constitution and pastor of Cornerstone Evangelical Free Church in Arnold, MD.

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SUNDAY October 23, 2022

Order of Worship

Theme: The judgment of God upon the wicked will also be an opportunity for a witness to be given to the lost so they might repent, believe and receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

Welcome & Call to Worship
“And Can It Be” #347
“Redeemed” #356
Prayer & Children’s Story
“You Are My All in All” #583
“Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled” Hymns & Songs
Offering - “Nearer My God to Thee” #553
Responsive Reading - #782 The Trumpet Call of God 
Congregational Prayer 
Hearing God’s Word
“Satan’s Final Solution”- Pastor Whitney
Responding to God’s Word
“Rise Up O Church of God” #433
Benediction and Postlude

“Satan’s Final Solution
13th in our series the Prophet Zephaniah

I. God’s Judgment against Ethiopia (Cush) - Zephaniah 2:12
* A. Why Ethiopia? The history of their attack upon God’s people - 2 Chronicles 14:9-10
* 1. Asa was a godly king of Judah - 2 Chronicles 14:2-8
* a. What good, godly civil government looks like
* b. Abolishing idolatry in the land, exhorting obedience of the people to the Law of God
* c. Establishing a system of strong defense 
* 2. The Cushites army far outnumbered Judah’s
* a. They knew that God alone was their strong defense -  2 Chronicles 14:11-15
* b. They cried out to the One True God for victory
* c. They learned from victory - 2 Chronicles 15:1-12
* B. God will greatly repay those who attack His own people
* 1. Destruction prophesied by  
* a. Isaiah 20:3-5
* b. Ezekiel 30:4-5
* 2. The Destruction prophesied fulfilled 605 BC battle of Carchemish (Josiah died 4 years earlier)
* 3. Destruction complete in 526 BC when Cyrus took Egypt & Ethiopia as part of his Persian Empire

II. God’s Hand of Mercy reaches to all nations - Psalm 68:31
* A. While some nations are obliterated from the earth (Philistines) others are punished but given the Gospel of Jesus Christ
* B. The prophecy of Ethiopians worshiping the One True God
* 1. This was fulfilled in Philip’s ministry - Acts 8:26-38
* 2. In times of great crisis, we have great opportunities for making disciples.

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