Atlantis FOUND? Pillar of Hercules, 250km SW Richat Structure, Eye of Africa, Mauritania

2 years ago
There are numerous reasons to consider the Richat site as the remains of Atlantis. AN is not here to discuss them all. Suffice to say that until the invention of an "eroded dome" thesis, modern science had little logical explanation for the site. No evidence that it stems from either an extra terrestrial impact or a terrestrial volcano has ever been found. Hence the new but weak eroded dome thesis.
The Atlantis thesis for the Richat site is given a major boost by the discovery of this fallen pillar, which would have stood almost 700m tall. The Pillar lies near to what may have been it's base. 250km SW of the Richat site. The Warsaw radio tower which collapsed in the 90's but was the worlds tallest structure until it did. It was 646m tall. This makes an ancient & almost 700m tall Fallen Pillar in Mauritania a considerable feat of construction for it's time. Whenever that time might have been.
The so-called Pillars of Hercules were also said to guard the entrance to Atlantis, up to now often thought to refer to the promontories of Gibraltar & any number of mountains on the Moroccan side of the straits. Obviously the discovery of this immense pillar only 250km SW of the Richat site not only puts the Gibraltar/Pillar thesis into doubt but also offers powerful supports the Richat-as-Atlantis thesis.
We at AN did not find the pillar. A Dutch chap we met at Ancient Aliens on facebook passed this info onto us before disappearing from fb. He claimed to be receiving death threats for posting about the Pillar he'd found.
PS This is AN's first attempt at a screen capture video. Apologies for the jerky nature.
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