How Obesity Causes Cancer - Healthy Weight Loss For Cancer Patients

2 years ago

In this video, you're going to learn how obesity causes cancer. Discover the real cause of obesity and how to avoid it without starving yourself or exercising to death.

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What Is Obesity?

Obesity is when you have too much body fat. You can measure your obesity by using body mass index (BMI) Obesity has become more common in the United States in recent years.

The average medical expense of overweight people was $1,861 more than slender people in the US. Overweight people also have a greater risk of getting sick, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart issues, and stroke. And it can also increase your risk of at least 13 types of cancers.

Obesity Causes Cancer

Excess IFG-1 increases our cancer risk, especially breast cancer. You can bring down your liver's production of IGF-1 if you eat a plant-based diet. But if you start to eat animal products again and add back the same amount of IGF-1, you erase the diet and exercise effect.

Another thing in meat that can cause cancer is heterocyclic amines. It's created when you cook meat. The grill marks on meat are heterocyclic amines.

Heme Iron Vs Non Heme Iron

Iron from a plant-based diet doesn't cause cancer, while the iron from meat causes cancer.

Saturated Fat Causes Cancer

Saturated fat intake can increase our prostate cancer risk. Estrogen can increase the risk of breast, endometrial, ovarian, and other cancers. Obese people also have more gallstones than healthy individuals. They are a sign that you're toxic.

Obesity can also lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and it can also lead to oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is a condition where your antioxidant levels are lower than normal.

Most of our obesity comes from fat. Fat consists of complex molecules of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. The body uses fat for energy storage when there's no food available, such as when there's a famine. Fats and oils differ in that fats are solid at room temperature, while oils are liquid.

Dairy Causes Cancer

Dairy products cause most obesity. Cows' milk is food for calves. Milk contains a lot of calories to make a calf grow several hundred pounds in a short time. Dairy has the same cancer-causing effects as meat, such as IGF-1, cholesterol, and saturated fat. It contains around 70% fat and is one of the primary reasons why people suffer from obesity.

Cheese Causes Cancer

Cheese is a blob of fat that doesn't contain any fiber, and it's easy to get addicted to it. Three things in cheese make it addictive, such as salt, fat, and casomorphins. The purpose of the salt is to stop bacteria from fermenting into mush. And casomorphins are protein fragments from the digestion of the milk protein casein.

Weight Loss For Cancer

Being overweight is not normal and is a sign that you're toxic. And because cancer is caused by toxins, you only increase your cancer risk by being obese.

Most weight coaches use calorie restriction and exercise to make people lose weight. But this process only makes them hungrier and exhausted. You might have short-term effects, but it's not a sustainable way of living.

If you eat a whole food, low-fat, plant-based diet, you don't need to starve yourself to lose weight. Focus on eating vegetables, fruits, beans, and grains.

The Ketogenic Diet And Cancer

On the ketogenic diet 60-75% of your food consists of fat, 15 to 30% is protein, and only 5-10% is carbs.The goal of this diet is to reach a state called ketosis. Glycogen consists of glucose mixed with water, and to reach ketosis, you need to deplete your glycogen stores. Cancer is flexible and can feed on fat and ketones, too, if it doesn't have any access to glucose.

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