Which friendship is more valuable?a cat with a weasel VS Chopin with Pauline Viardot 黄鼠狼与猫的友谊|肖邦与维亚多

2 years ago

Friendship between a cat and a weasel in China

Music in background Boléro, Op. 19

Frédéric Chopin composed the Boléro, Op. 19, in the year 1833. It was published the following year, dedicated to Mademoiselle la Comtesse Émilie de Flahaut. The piece was apparently inspired by Chopin's friendship with Pauline Viardot, a French singer whose father (famous tenor Manuel Garcia) had introduced the bolero in Paris. It has also been speculated that Chopin may have been inspired by the Bolero in Daniel Auber's 'La muette de Portici'. Despite it's evocative title, the Boléro features more elements of Polish music than Spanish music.


背景音乐 Boléro, Op. 19

弗雷德里克·肖邦在 1833 年创作了Boléro, Op. 19。它于次年出版,献给伯爵夫人 Émilie de Flahaut。 这首曲子显然是受到肖邦与法国歌手宝琳·维亚多(Pauline Viardot)的友谊的启发,她的父亲(著名男高音曼努埃尔·加西亚)在巴黎介绍了波莱罗。 也有人推测肖邦可能受到丹尼尔奥伯的“La muette de Portici”中的波莱罗的启发。 尽管它的标题令人回味,但 Boléro 的波兰音乐元素比西班牙音乐更多。


背景音樂 Boléro, Op. 19

弗雷德里克肖邦在 1833 年 創作了波萊羅Boléro, Op. 19。它於次年出版,獻給伯爵夫人 Émilie de Flahaut。 這首曲子顯然是受到肖邦與法國歌手寶琳·維亞多(Pauline Viardot)的友誼的啟發,她的父親(著名男高音曼努埃爾·加西亞)在巴黎介紹了波萊羅。 也有人推測肖邦可能受到丹尼爾奧伯的“La muette de Portici”中的波萊羅的啟發。 儘管它的標題令人回味,但 Boléro 的波蘭音樂元素比西班牙音樂更多。

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