Dimming The Planet - Jet Stream Manipulation

2 years ago

Weather Weaponization and Hurricane Ian

by Greg Reese

The government has previously attempted to modify hurricanes

The scientific establishment has openly admitted to developing weather control and geo-engineering technologies for decades, from cloud-seeding to steering hurricane trajectories.

Stratospheric injection, along with older HAARP tech and 5G, allow the military to change the location of the jetstream in the US, creating droughts and super storms that hurt the economy and the US citizens.



#NWO #WEF #CFR #Davos #SOROS #KlausSchwab #Rockefeller #Rothschilds #YouWillBeAngry #YouWillHaveNothing

#Deepstate #NeoCon's #FBI #DOJ #FEMA #HomelandSecurity #GeoEngineering #ClimateChange

What is #DARPA?
What is #WeatherModification?
What is #OperationPopeye?
What is #Geoengineeringwatch?
What is #Raytheon?
What is #LockheedMartin?
What is the #Truth?

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