"What Do I Need To KNOW To Start My Own Business?" (Vital Building Blocks For Business SUCCESS!)

2 years ago

FREE 3-step EASY guide: Online Business Jumpstart! https://www.tentononline.com/online-business-jumpstart/

"What do I need to know to start my own business?" This is a big question that gets asked all the time. That's because a business mistake that a lot of folks make is this:

Just kinda jumping straight into things without a whole lot of planning ahead or thinking things through. It's like, we *think* we're planning ahead...but very often, we're planning out all the wrong things.

Then, it's only after we've "taken the plunge" do we realize what we've missed, what we should have been planning for, and what we should have thought through...and very often it all comes too late.

So let's avoid all that and get you going down the right path right of the bat -- let's uncover what you need to know before you start your business.

Show Notes:

- Domain registration: https://10tn.tips/domain

- Solid web hosting (with discount!): https://10tn.tips/hosting

- Business-grade email: https://10tn.tips/email

- Best email marketing service: https://10tn.tips/email-marketing

- Best website builder: https://10tn.tips/web-builder

- Top web and marketing tools and services: https://10tn.tips/tools

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