glad to intimidate those demonic ones

2 years ago

keyboard closeup
what does it mean to be living w/in the Holy Spirit
abundancy of love for the Brethren
compassion and understanding
all the things that make you mad you can dust off...
i wanna be a better example of a good human
the only way i can make em go away...
i've done my part today
voting ballot/ranting n raving on internet/doin drugs n drinkin it up
the only thing that will make it better
then the problem is you...
that woulda been the perfect moment to stop the video
those of the Spirit...this will resonate
i like this chord progression a lot
i get mad at myself a lot
suitin up n showin up
it's always my fault that i stay up so late
i am schizo n all but still, i could discipline myself more
i have always stayed up and listened to music
*i don't always have this attitude, in fact i know that God is transforming me
ridiculous, we all know my jokes are good
i never promised high quality content
real ass mf over here
before the phones took over everything
www 666 1991
this is the coldest war
it's always worse than the last thing
it's not necessarily their fault that they do this
am i an unpaid actor working for the elite
that's why it's called sorcery

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