Episode 76: Murder by Vax Must Stop Now! - Dr James Thorp MD Interview Part 2

2 years ago

In this second part of our interview with U.S Dr. James Thorp we dive deep into the data around the Covid-19 jab & why fertile or pregnant woman should not take it.

Dr. Thorpe shows the Pfizer documents MSM refuses to acknowledge and government advice from the U.K for pregnant women, not to get jabbed.

The evidence is damning with an unprecedented number of neo natal babies dying and mothers experiencing miscarriages.

Dr. James Thorp is a Board-Certified Obstetrician Gynaecologist with over 43 years' experience.

What he states as an undeniable fact, is being backed up our conversations with midwives working here in NZ.

Part 1 od this interview" "Episode 75: ”Dr Nikki Turner, you are murdering people! ... Now debate me.” - Dr James Thorp MD+ can be found here: https://theinfowar.tv/watch?id=634b5706f9e7b90ad5085284

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