New California State - Reading of 6th Declaration of Truth - RIV Chapter - October 21, 2022

2 years ago

Reading of Constitutional Default -

Riverside County Chapter

Californians taking back their rights -

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The current government of the State of California, due to abdication of their Constitutional duties, including the current INVASION along the southern border, has created a condition of LAWLESSNESS, whereby Californians are now subject to an ongoing train of domestic abuse. Unfortunately, this failure of government is not able to be properly corrected by means of an election due to massive, rampant, and proven VOTER FRAUD. It is the Constitutional duty of the people to Provide New Guards against these ancient, crafty schemes and expose them for all history. Our children will grow in a new land, and by God's Grace and the human godliness only God Provides, we will dominate and protect our land. God bless.

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