CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency Equals Slavery

1 year ago

Short informative documentary into how CBDC will turn us into slaves.

Digital ID + CBDC + Social Credit System = Digital Slavery.

Just look at China now.

Other videos:

Stanford Computer Scientist and 25 year Silicon Valley Industry Tech veteran, Aman Jabbi, gives a grave warning for the Digital Surveillance State that is being built right now. His in-depth presentation on the dire situation facing humanity:


The Big Reset Documentary, exposing the Covid Scam and the Agenda for humanity's Digital Enslavement:


Robert F Kennedy Jr's The Real Anthony Fauci Movie:


More in-depth info from Catherine Austin Fitts:


Catherine's thoughts on Bitcoin & how to prepare for what's coming by real asset/energy investment in your local community:


Don't Comply. Key to stopping this is not to accept Digital ID. Stop them forcing us to cashless. Use Cash, Cash is King. Their whole system hinges on this.

Resist. Fight back, Spread The Word.

Unplug, Get Off Grid. Focus on real asset/energy investment in your local community.

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