Journey to the Sea of Tranquility [FusionASMR]

2 years ago

From building the rocket, to the ticker tape parade in New York City, take an ASMR journey to the moon. This is the story of Apollo 11, the United States mission to first land humans on another planet in July of 1969.

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We've combined actual Apollo 11 mission footage with deep emotional musical compositions and immersive ASMR triggering impulses including the voices of mission control and the astronauts themselves.

If you listen to the video in its entirety, you will experience a multitude of ASMR triggers including, whispering, heart beats, hair brushing, head massage, ear cleaning, breathing, rain fall, water flowing, lotion, purring kittens - and an assortment of crackles, scratches, and random ear candy to excite even the most obsessed ASMR enthusiast.

We've used radio chatter of NASA's mission control and the astronauts themselves not only to create a wonderland in the ears, but as a historically accurate account of the mission.

Relax in your favorite chair with your best headphones and clear monitor. Speaker listening is not recommended. Adjust the volume to a soft, comfortable listening level. Grab some popcorn and a tall cold drink and take a journey that is truly out of this world!

The video running time is 57 minutes. We recommend that you watch and listen to the video in its entirety, at least for the first pass. If you would like to jump to a particular section, here are the bookmarks:

00:20 Introduction
01:00 Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB)
01:40 Building the spacecraft and Saturn V rocket
04:23 Saturn V rollout from VAB to launch pad
07:15 Astronauts suit up
08:55 Astronauts transported to launch pad
10:40 Countdown
12:11 Launch
17:38 Spacecraft reaches earth orbit
19:05 Lunar Lander extraction from the rocket's 3rd stage
20:21 Spacecraft reaches lunar orbit
21:03 Lunar Lander separates from the Command module
23:27 Lunar Lander descends to the moon's surface
28:25 Touchdown! The Eagle has Landed
29:40 Neil Armstrong climbs out of the Lunar Lander
32:35 One Small Step for a Man
34:20 Buzz Aldrin climbs out
35:35 Reading of the plaque
36:20 Setting up the American flag
38:13 The astronauts speak with President Nixon
40:33 Close out of surface activities
46:33 Launch from the moon and ride back to lunar orbit
51:20 Reentry into earth's atmosphere
52:09 Recovery from the ocean
54:17 Ticker tape parade in New York City
56:20 Closing

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