You got left behind and what to do now

2 years ago

Thousands of people are just gone and you are left behind, if I were you I would repent now and accept Jesus in your life and get out of the cities and grab all the food, clothes and water and get into a hiding place, you are now in the 7 year tribulation period and a man called the antichrist will stand up in the third temple in Jerusalem and say I am the Messiah, do not listen to him, he is very very evil and will force everyone to get his demonic vaccine mark of the beast, do not go into town at all, the life you knew is over and life now will suck, all the churches will be destroyed and bibles to, there will be one world religion and government and the antichrist will control everything, the false prophet will do the one world religion, all the stores will scan everyone entering and will know if you got the vaccine or not, only those allowed to buy or sell have the vaccine, you will scan your wrist to pay and they will know if you do not follow the antichrist, you will be dragged out and beaten and thrown into a truck and taken to a prison camp, you have to learn to live off the land, eat bugs, fruit, nuts, peanut butter, grass, you will have to survive now and not get caught, God is doing this to get Israel to come back to Him, to get all the lukewarm phony church people and pastors to decide between Jesus or the antichrist and to punish all the wicked and those who got the vaccines, God will be pouring out His tribulation judgements on the entire world, the seals are already opened and the 7 th seal has not been broken yet, then come 7 trumpet judgements and 7 Bowl judgements and the Bowl judgements are reserved for those who worship the antichrist and got the vaccines, demons will sting anyone who is not sealed with God seal, the water will turn to blood and will be poison, after the antichrist breaks the treaty with Israel there will be servere persercution of the Jews and tribulation saints, the antichrist will have you and everyone who follows Jesus killed, do not deny Jesus at all, even if you are turned in by your family, friends , neighbors do not deny Jesus at all, the 7 year tribulation will end and Jesus will come again to earth and He will throw the antichrist and false prophet into the lake of fire, then will use His sword and destroy all who got the vaccines and will crush them all, Jesus will rule on earth for thousands years and tribulation saints will rule with Jesus, it will be the worst time for you, the 7 year tribulation has begun

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