VPR Vermont Edition: Randolph High School Transgender on Volleyball Team @vermontredpill

2 years ago

Vermont Public Radio's Vermont Edition invited callers to discuss the women's volleyball team being kicked out of their locker room, as well as transgender issues in general. I think I was the only person to ask about how sharing bathrooms and locker rooms with transfemales (born male) might affect girls who feel uncomfortable and/or unsafe. I missed the original airing for obvious reasons. This is Wednesday's rebroadcast. This is only my segment. I will have a longer version of my night spent listening to ALL the people who called into the show. If I wasn't already on my second YT strike, this would probably guarantee one. Thank u Rumble & Bitchute. I kind of had to tiptoe due to the issue's sensitivity - Special thanks to the kind VPR screener. Hope I did a good job representing Vermont, I'm sorry if I have upset some of u. That is never my intention.

Links 4 more about Vermont's Transgender Locker Room Incident:
DM: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11269869/Vermont-girls-high-school-volleyball-team-barred-locker-room-transgender-student.html
FIRED coach: https://www.dailysignal.com/2022/10/18/vermont-school-district-suspends-father-of-girl-who-pushed-back-against-biological-male-in-her-locker-room/
YT video breakdown: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLeFMzh7XIA
VPR Vermont Edition: https://www.vermontpublic.org/show/vermont-edition
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