Life Of Elvis Podcast Ep.19: Investigating The Paranormal With Kris Sumner

2 years ago

Welcome back to the Life Of Elvis Podcast!
In Episode 19 I interview Kris Sumner, a paranormal investigator from Soul Sisters Paranormal, a group of sisters and friends who travel to some of the most reportedly haunted locations across the U.S., as well as private homes and businesses, to investigate claims of paranormal activity. ​Using various techniques, equipment, and the principles of the scientific method, they seek to gather evidence to prove (or disprove) paranormal phenomena.

In this episode, we discuss what led Kristy to research what is commonly referred to as "the paranormal". As controversial and as down-looked-upon this subject might be by the majority of the scientific community, none of us can deny that survival of consciousness after bodily death and the notion of incorporeal entities stuck between this and another reality has always been part of the human experience. For many, it still is. And for that reason, we need not shy away from investigating these phenomena, keep an open mind, be free of biases, and have the willingness to find the truth, no matter what it might be.

Kris shared some of the best and most convincing cases she has ever investigated, and together we dive into what these encounters might be, and whether there is a consciousness present or not.

Even I ended up sharing a few of my own experiences, which according to the current scientific paradigm simply aren't possible. Yet they still occur to so many of us.

You can find Kris below:

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