Is $256 Million in 10 years Possible? w/ Bill Hauser (SMB Team)

1 year ago

Bill Hauser is the CEO of SMB Team, the Fastest Growing law firm growth company in the US. The firm currently has more than $20 million in annual revenue and a team of 60 full-time employees.

SMB team uses digital marketing, staffing, and coaching, to help law firms grow. Their mission is to help 10,000 law firms double their revenue and grow to $256 million in revenue within 10 years.

Bill also shares how (and why) he spends over $600,000 annually on personal development. From personal coaches to high-level masterminds, he is committed to becoming the executive capable of leading his company to their lofty goals.

In this episode, Aaron and Bill talk about why it is important to have resolve when setting a goal for yourself, his difficult upbringing, and how he overcame his addiction to anxious thinking.

Bill Hauser’s Challenge: Take the most direct path to your goal. Keep writing that goal down so you don’t stop believing in yourself until you achieve that goal.

00:00 - 00:30 Who is Bill Hauser?
00:38 - 01:52 How Bill Hauser Started His Journey
02:40 - 12:20 The Truth Behind Successful CEO's Story
13:05 - 18:04 Why Bill Disagrees With Strength-Based Psychology
19:25 - 23:35 What Is Extreme Ownership
24:27 - 24:42 Turning Your Goal into Reality
25:15 - 29:21 Biggest Problems With Partnerships
30:00 - 36:00 What If We Can Double Our Revenue Every Single Year
36:40 - 39:00 What Are The Key Decisions
39:30 - 40:00 We Don't Learn From In Action, We Learn In Action
40:01 - 40:33 Where You Can Reach Bill Hauser
41:23 - 43:00 Bill Hauser's Challenge For Everyone

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