Free Traveler Monthly #CONFAB - Sept 6 2022 "Paul Unslaved"

2 years ago

Roadside Standoff
How to Get the Upper Hand

The first question a police officer should ask when pulling you over for a traffic violation is “Are you using the roadway for commercial purposes today?” Instead, you get “Can I see your driver’s license, registration, and proof of insurance?” Traffic enforcement officers are more accurately revenue collectors, and they have a role to play in regulating commerce on our public roads.

However, we free travelers know the difference between commercial and non-commercial, and we know the difference between public and private. When we are presumed to be “driving” instead of traveling, an enormous volume of law known as the vehicle code applies to us. So, it is our duty to stop that presumption and assert our right to travel. It doesn’t mean we are lawless people. It just means that we need to be safe and responsible as common sense dictates. If there is no victim, there is no crime.

First Tuesdays of the Month

More and more free travelers are questioning police officers on the side of the road, asserting our status and educating traffic enforcement agents. The conversation feels like a Wild West standoff. You are armed with knowledge and the fire of liberty in your belly. The police have their guns and statutes, and the judge has his gavel. Who will win?

Please watch this fun and invigorating group conversation about the best way to confront the agents of a commercial system designed to take your money for doing nothing wrong. We will look at examples of success and explore together the best ways to counter intimidation tactics and plain ignorance roadside and in the courts.

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