This Is My Show Is Leaving YouTube

2 years ago

After another erroneous strike from YouTube, Drew and the team have decided to take This Is My Show from the anti-free speech platform. Since October 2020, YouTube has unsubscribed tens of thousands of users without their consent from the channel and cost Drew's production company hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue. This latest strike may not have been the last strike from YouTube, but it was for us. The channel will NOT be going away (barring further action from YouTube) so PLEASE do not unsubscribe. Drew plans to bring a new production to the page in late 2022/early 2023 that will highlight veterans, first responders and others doing great work in the community with the emphasis being on what we have inCOMMON with our love for America. We hope you will stick around and embark on this new journey with us. For THIS IS MY SHOW WITH DREW BERQUIST please venture over to where you can subscribe and continue to watch daily for free. Thanks for your continued and steadfast support. Please share the Rumble link with everyone you know and we look forward to seeing you over there and bringing new content here soon.

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