2 years ago

What is Witchcraft hitting you with today?
As you know, October is the month of transformation- with the battle raging between the serpent and the eagle hence, the occult is releasing MAJOR MACRO spells on the COSMOS level to cover humanity in deep heaviness, with HEAVY RESISTANCE, through the witchcraft of unhealed vessels around you. Bind early death assignments released through macro spells of witchcraft over godly leaders/family and be praying Ps 91 over yourselves. Because this is the month of TRANSFORMATION and its going to take A LOT of discipline for the true hearts of God to break through into the new. It’s the battle because we still have A LOT of vessels in the church operating in religion/witchcraft/JEZEBEL who think they are ok to where many of these vessels are trying to play god over their own lives/others. Which is why the TRUE prophets’ voices are ramping up.
Also- I want to charge you SHEEP with a task- you need to go into the courts of Heaven (especially those of you under these big ministries) because the REASON WHY your blessings/destinies have NOT come to pass is because some of these HUGE MINISTRY LEADERS have stolen you destinies/ callings, TITLES/ DEEDS TO THEM, and blessings from your bloodlines spiritually. Because of how they could see the blessings on your life. YOU NEED TO GET WITH LOVING LEADERS AND TAKE THEM BACK – as this is why you have NEVER had the manifestation of your calling/destiny. Because these corrupt leaders saw what God wanted to use your vessel for – and because of what you couldn’t see- they went/prayed spiritually over your life and stole what belonged to YOU! AND YOUR FOREFATHERS! THAT IS WHY THEIR MINISTRIES GOT SO BIG and YOURS NEVER CAME TO PASS!
GET AWAY FROM THEM as they are JEZEBELS/AHABS which is why they are being JUDGED BY GOD! They have only been in ministry for money- and they saw you as their target as a dumb sheep- THIS is why so many sheep are so frustrated! Because their destinies have been stolen by corrupt leaders spiritually! AND ITS TIME FOR GODS PEOPLE TO STAND BACK UP AND TAKE BACK WHAT BELONGS TO THEM!

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