Get Ready for Crisis Now.

2 years ago

(S1E37) JOE REICK - Today we’re going to talk about a topic that I am very passionate about – Getting Prepared for Crisis. Some refer to this as Prepping and a lot of people think that “those people” are crazy and they all have moved to the mountains and live completely off the grid. And while there are people like that who may have taken self-reliance to the extreme, with all of the chaos in the world, taking some steps to be able to weather some storms sure does seem like a good idea.

Meet Joe Rieck.

Joe has been in the survival and prepping business for a long time. He is the VP of Sales for the Ready Alliance Group, an organization whose mission is to empower people through self-reliance. He has been involved in starting and growing emergency food companies for over 15 years. Their flagship company is My Patriot Supply and we are an affiliate. Please follow this link to explore product options as you prepare for crisis (

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