STUDY: The NHL Is 84% White (Whither Equity?)

2 years ago

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NEW YORK (AP) — The NHL for the first time has done an internal demographic study of its staff and all 32 teams, and the results show that hockey has a lot of work to do to increase diversity at all levels.

The report released Tuesday found that 83.6% of the NHL’s workforce is white and that men make up nearly 62% of the total, based on the 4,200 people who participated in a voluntary and anonymous survey (about 67% of all employees).

That nearly mirrors the situation on the ice, where more than 90% of players and nearly all coaches and officials are white.

“The whole purpose behind doing a workforce study is to provide a baseline: a fact-based baseline so that you can begin to develop very intentional and specific strategies around where you need to hire, how you need to hire, how you need to improve your brand,” said Kim Davis, the NHL’s executive vice president of social impact, growth and legislative affairs. “This is a good start, but there’s a ways to go.”

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