What To GIve To Caesar? Part 2

2 years ago

GOD HIS Law is to follow. Jesus tells us about what to give nothing to Caesar without saying this, as he says to do as GOD says. Serving GOD is a mandate over any mandate of statutes. The “lions” den for Daniel is worse than jail, infact fire to be burned in was agreed to by Shadrach Meshack and Abednego to obey GOD. Muslims know how to pray on their knees, so get on your knees and ask Jesus to assist you in your prayer being heard. Be the example. I’m calling Jew, Christian and Muslim to unite. GOD HIS law reigns to judge people who do not obey GOD. Those who do not believe in GOD are “The heathen”. GOD HE judges a country that violates HIS law. Speak the WORD of GOD to your family and friends! The Ishmaelites have often been called against those of Israel to make correction in judgment for people who do not obey GOD HIS law. Jesus had the perfect answers that the asker could not act upon as they would convict themselves. Many hypocrites currently in place, do not believe GOD HIS law should reign over man his law. These hypocrites will not reign long, as their law will indeed fail, as GOD HE Created us. Jesus will render death to all who takes the throne of GOD. Atomic annihilation by GOD of bodies is spoken of in the Old Testament. Stand firm No government CAN do whatever they want to our bodies, AS HELL AWAITS WHO DOES THIS. My body IS the house of the Holy Spirit of GOD, and His law reigns over what is done to my flesh. Same for you if you know Jesus. (30 minutes)

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