Non Duality, Spiritual Clarity of Subtle Realms & Devotion

2 years ago

Weekly LIVE Group Satsang Meetings in the NOW:

From a non-dual perspective, the recognition of the openness of the present aliveness of each moment is in the foreground of life. This non-dual approach is for a more mature spiritual seeker who is experienced in meditation, has experienced some higher states, but is ready to explore the reality of the present moment existence. It is a deep dive into consciousness rather than the mind. It is not philosophical, nor is it about high states of energetic experiences.

On the other hand, there is the side of things that is more like a spiritual playground. In this playground, you can have all sorts of spiritual experiences and play around in the subtle realms and dimensions. When one matures into non-duality, these dimensions can still be explored, but in a more balanced and integrated way.

Mindo is an enlightened teacher helping others to reach Non-Duality, Enlightenment, and Full Consciousness. Mindo has helped over 850 people raise their Levels of Consciousness and discover their Highest True Potential, Freedom, and Power.

There are now 30 Enlightenment Realized Students!

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Skype or Zoom:

Mindo offers a clear insight into the Enlightenment, Spiritual Openings, and Levels of Consciousness (LOC), helping to support you through every aspect of the spiritual journey and the process of awakening.

Mindo delivers the Full Consciousness Transmissions and holds weekly Satsangs, Meditation Meetings, Workshops, and International Retreats.

For more information about these teachings, to receive your Full Consciousness Transmission session via Skype or Zoom, for upcoming workshops and local and international retreats, please visit

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