Merriam Webster's Medical Dictionary - Word for Word Verbatim Definitions - Actual Vaccine

2 years ago

More entries right from the pages of the physical Merriam Webster's Medical Dictionary before the CDC and company went and changed a bunch of definitions to fit a preferred narrative and to fit the mainstream. Right from the pages and what a true and actual vaccine does. Now think about it for a moment. Does the Covid shot meet the following criteria outlined in this Merriam Webster definition? I think not. The Covid shot isn't made up of microorganisms or anything, it was never isolated and it doesn't prevent you from getting Covid, doesn't stop the spread or any of the things that a true, actual vaccine does. A true vaccine as mentioned actually gives immunity and immunization of said disease such as with the polio, smallpox, MMR and other childhood vaccines and all that and this Covid bilge is nowhere near any of the following. All just a complete sham so Big Pharma and company can make as much money as possible. There's no money to be made in healthy or dead people. Pfizer, Big Pharma, The World Economic Forum, The World Health Organization, The World Bank and them are laughing all the way to the bank and of course all the lemming NPCs will proceed with every lame excuse possible. There really is no hope in one way or another but whatever. It's all a complete deranged circus with definition changing, goalpost moving, spinning, rationalizations and various other overused tactics. Like Pulp Fiction or some movie with endless plotholes but whatever. Still happy to have not caved in and not even one dose of the fake shot here and of course still getting guilted and shamed by certain folks and the like. They must be getting some kind of royalties, kickbacks, compensation or whatever, otherwise they wouldn't be so hell bent on people still getting the shot and boosters. Just like all the elitists who want to confiscate firearms and certain weapons. Keep tight inside of them, their magic must be very powerful, or they wouldn't want them so badly. A lot more could be said.

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Disclaimer: Again, as said previously, merely more rantings, opinions and whatnot from a random nobody and bitter soul. Adults can do whatever they want. I may be eligible to earn from the following recommendations.

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