BehindTheScience - This Is Why The Narcissist Wants You To Get Emotional So Badly - Narcissism

2 years ago

BehindTheScience -
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This Is Why The Narcissist Wants You To Get Emotional So Badly | NPD | Narcissism

If you find yourself in a scenario where a narcissist is attempting to gaslight or otherwise insult you, and you answer calmly and rationally instead of letting your emotions get the better of you, they will become increasingly frustrated with you. Like, "so, what makes you think that, or why do you think that?" A narcissist's ego will take a huge hit if you react in that way; they may even lash out and remark, "Ouch, you seem to be getting choked up over nothing. You're really getting worked up now, "despite the fact that you're not showing any signs of emotion. What's funny is that they actually believe you want to cry for some reason. NPD

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***See original for more links & info***

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