Gun pulled on BLM after they try to jump Newport beach real estate agent.

2 years ago

The real estate agent lost his job over this and and went to jail and the BLM freaks walk free and even go on the news and admit they tried to beat him up. I took this video I tried to stop the Newport beach police from arresting him they told me to piss off and if I destroyed the video I was destroying evidence. We all know that gun stopped violence from occurring so what is the newport beach California police doing for us here being a bunch of cowards. In fact I do support the police but at the same time it really piss me off that all through this planneddemic the cops never stood up for our constitutional rights 3 years into it now and they are all still cowards do your fing job police protect and serve us . Never again will we let this happen with or without you police NEVER AGAIN.

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