they only see a few plays, ag studies the game

2 years ago

mental illness proves that God is the realest
you can't see it but you know it's there
what you think about will manifest
you deserve to be depressed if you insist on that shit
don't focus on the evil of this world
got my car taken care of
my brake pads are fine, thanks for caring
3 hrs of sleep, oh well
pants are important
that was a long-ass summer wasn't it
we love you weather machine
why i don't go to AA meetings anymore
recovery cattle going to 3 meetings a day
most don't enjoy it til they get addicted
it's all identity politics
only ag is a bigger picture person
becuz i legit worked the 12 steps...
we do practice these principles in all of our affairs
imperative to live yer life outside the rooms of alcoholics anon
so terrible these narcissistic thoughts
this is what recovery is really about
my mom is the only one that remembers my sobriety date
still a 4g phone
well, everybody else caved in
fuck you and fuck you and fuck you again
i just totally contradicted myself here
there's a growing # of people that will listen to yours truly
the technology is anti-Christ
no matter how "crazy" we are
we don't wanna fit in, fuck that
a schizo at peace, who woulda thought

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