How to Paint Alpha Legion Master of Possession

2 years ago

Not only is a Master of Possession a capable Psyker, able to manifest two powers a turn, but because they carry both the Legion and Daemon keyword, they can buff all of your daemonic CSM units (Read chaos Possessed). They can wreak havoc in the enemy’s Psychic phase too, with "Rite of Possession" causing perils on all doubles for psychic test. The typical +5 Invulnerable daemon save helps to keep him alive from snipers, and his "Cursed Earth" spell improves the invulnerable save on all daemon units by +1, while within 6".

Paints Used in this video:
Armour: Leadbelcher, Runefang Steel, Terradon Turquoise, Akhelian Green
Trim: Leadbelcher, Stormhost Silver, Optional Nuln Oil (Watered Down)
Eyes: Troll Slayer Orange
Feathers: Rakarth Flesh, Reikland Fleshshade, Pallid Wych Flesh
Large Feathers: Incubi Darkness, Blue Horror
Robes: Kabalite Green, Sybarite Green, Moot Green
Skulls: Rakarth Flesh, Saraphim Sepia, Screaming Skull
Belt, Holster, Staff: Rhinox Hide, Skragg Brown
Gold Trinkets: Retributor Armour
Metals, Gun Barrels: Leadbelcher, Nuln Oil, Iron Breaker
Eye of Horus: Yriel Yellow, Reikland Fleshshade (Optional), Abaddon Black (Pupil)

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