“The Commanded Feasts of God and Why They are Important to Christianity Too! Part 1”

2 years ago

Here is Part 1 of 4 of another past teaching from Way Maker Messianic Jewish and Christian Center – USA. This is an archived teaching video done on Aug 19, 2019 entitled “The Commanded Feasts of God and Why They are Important to Christianity Too! Part 1” and had to be done in 4 parts.This goes back to the 2nd recording ever which originally was done on a very old cassette recorder first until the online recorder was discovered and it could be uploaded to Youtube and shared on social media. We have come a long way since those early days. The earlier recordings are a bit scratchy sounding, but the content is Holy Spirit inspired and remains relevant. This was done in 4 parts, because in the earlier days we had a time limit per video, which was not very long as you will see. All 4 parts of this teaching will be uploaded to Rumble. They are still available on Youtube as well. God bless!

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