DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND - Powerful Motivational Speech

2 years ago

Discipline your mind! Lisa and Tom Bilyeu, co-founders of billion-dollar brand Quest Nutrition and hosts of Impact Theory and Women of Impact, share their greatest advice on success. One of the Best Motivational Speeches from Billion Dollar Couple, Lisa and Tom Bilyeu

We travelled to Los Angeles, California to exclusively interview and film Tom and Lisa Bilyeu. Subscribe to The Icons by Motiversity to watch the full 1 hour interview: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnTBBvGdqe4TZHQJi-3HH9Q

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We hope this speech will inspire you and motivate you to figure out what you should go after and why! If you liked it please like, comment, and subscribe as it really helps. Thank you for watching!

â–ºSubscribe to The Icons to watch our full 1 hour interview with Tom and Lisa: https://bit.ly/TheIconsShow

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Tom Bilyeu

Lisa Bilyeu

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Really Slow Motion -
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â–ºVideo footage: All video footage used is either licensed through either CC-BY or from various stock footage websites. All creative commons footage is listed at the end of the video and is licensed under CC-BY 3.0.

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#Disciplineyourmind #Motiversity #tombilyeu #lisabilyeu

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