My boss wants me to work on a weekend but I am a salaried employee. Can he do this?

2 years ago

Good question.

You are thinking about this the wrong way. If you are working for someone you don’t respect and don’t want to help, then you should in a professional manner give notice and quit your job.

Or, if you are wanting to keep your job then you should totally change the way you think. Instead of looking for how you can avoid working on weekends you should set a goal of working more hours than anyone else at the company. So if the normal work schedule is 40 hours per week you should do 80 hours per week at the company even if you are only paid for 40 hours per week.

If you do this, you will in a year or two or three become invaluable to the company and will end up doubling your income. And, if it does not happen, you will have gained so much skill and experience you will be able to move to another company that rewards your hard work. But you need to work hard first for a year or two before you make a decision.

The problem with people that develop the mindset of an employee is they forget how beautiful it is to work for free. Imagine how much better it would feel to be the first person at the office and the last to leave and to outwork everyone including your boss.

I think you should go in and work on weekends for free. That would create a very different picture in your boss’ mind about the type of person he has on his team. It probably would quickly result in you being viewed as someone that he likes and wants to pay more money to. Even if he doesn’t behave this way it is ok. You still will have the satisfaction of knowing you are working more than your fellow employees and will gain more skills and be stronger and more capable.

If your argument is you don’t want to work hard and make someone else rich then go start your own company and work there. All options are open to you but you need to forget the lazy path. People that don’t want to work end up working for people that do. Your boss probably worked a lot of weekends to get where he is.

If you want to learn more and meet successful investors, you should join the Benjamin Z Miller investor networking group. We have a meeting each Sunday. Just go to and then look for the meetup link to register.

I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

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