Origin of the Messages ❤️ Teaching thru Divine Revelations... 3rd Testament Chapter 4-1

2 years ago

Text of Video Content in EN - DE - FR - ES ... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2016/09/23/das-dritte-testament-kapitel-4-the-third-testament-chapter-4-le-troisieme-testament-chapitre-4-el-tercer-testamento-capitulo-4/
3rd Testament in EN - DE - FR - ES - IT - TR - ZH - VI ... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/das-dritte-testament-the-third-testament-el-tercer-testamento/
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Teaching through the Divine Manifestation

Origin of the Revelations

Thus saith the Lord:

1. "The Word that has always been in God speaks to you, the same who was in Christ and whom today you know as the Holy Spirit; because the Word is an expression, a Law, a message, a revelation and wisdom. If you heard the Word through Christ and now you receive it through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, in truth I say, it is the voice of God that you have heard, for only one God exists, only one Word and only one Holy Spirit". (13, 19)

2. Do you know the origin of that light that exists in the Word flowing from the lips of the spokesmen? Its origin is in what is good, in Divine love, in the universal light that emanates from God. It is a ray or flash of light from that luminous All which gives us life. It is part of the infinite force that moves all, and under which all vibrates, palpitates, and turns without ceasing. It is that which you call Divine irradiation. It is the Divine love that illuminates and gives life to the spirits. (329, 42)

3. He speaks to you in this instant, the One who has always come to save you; Christ: the Divine promise made human as Jesus in the Second Era, the Divine Word made human word, the Spirit of Love, of light, of wisdom, limited to a ray through his conscience touches the spirit and the mind of man to teach him to transmit My thoughts. (90, 33)

4. I am Christ, the one who has been persecuted, blasphemed and converted into a common criminal in this world. I come to you after what you did to Me in the Second Era through Jesus, to give you one more time, proof that I have forgiven you and that I love you.

5. You took Me to the cross naked, and thus I return, for I do not hide My Spirit and My truth from your eyes behind the garment of hypocrisy or falsity. But in order for you to see Me, you must first cleanse your hearts. (29, 27 - 28)

6. "Today I say to you: Here is the Master, the One whom the multitudes named The Rabbi of Galilee. I come to give you the same Doctrine, the teaching of love; the banquet to which I invite you is spiritual, as are also the bread and the wine; but today like yesterday and as always, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life". (68, 33)

Places of the Revelations, and their Recipients

7. "Remember that I am the Word of the Father; the Divine essence which you receive in this word is the light from that Creator Spirit which has left a part of My Spirit in each one of you."

8. Furthermore, on observing the poverty which exists among this multitude that listens to Me, and the humility of this house where it has gathered, I am asked in silence, Master, why did you not choose for your manifestation in this time one of those large temples or churches where they might have offered you rich altars and noble ceremonies worthy of you?

9. To those hearts who have such thoughts of their Master, I answer, men are not the ones who have brought Me this poverty. It is I who have elected for My manifestation the humble dwelling in the poor neighborhood of your city, thus, having you understand that it is not the material tribute nor the exterior offering that I come seeking among you. On the contrary, if I have returned, it has been to preach humility one more time so that through humility you will find spirituality. (36, 24 - 25)

10. There are those who do not believe in My presence because they judge the poverty and humility of these places, and the humility of these spokesmen through whom I communicate, but who so doubt, study the life of Christ, they would see that He never sought pomp, honors nor riches.

11. These places may be as poor and humble as the stable and straw in which I was born at that time. (226, 38 - 39)


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