Two More Teens "Mysteriously" Died and Even Conservative Media Refuses to Ask, "Was it the Jabs?"

2 years ago

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Corporate media and leftist media are shills for the globalist elites. That's why they do everything they can to cover up when young and otherwise healthy people die from a cause of death that is unknown. But why are so few in conservative and alternative media asking the very obvious question?

"Was it the jabs?"

For those who are attached to the financial benefits and traffic associated with Big Tech teats, it's somewhat understandable. I'm not saying it's justified by any means; we need honest media asking good faith questions at a time when the powers-that-be are frantically attempting to jab every man, woman, and child on earth as many times as possible. But at least if they depend on Google ad money or Facebook traffic to stay in business, I can understand that it's a tough choice. They're making the wrong choice in my humble opinion, but I can say that because we are NOT beholden to these tyrants.

Those of us who do not have such attachments should be leading the charge to ask the question. When someone dies mysteriously, we often ask if foul play was involved. We ask if there's evidence of suicide. We try to find out of there were underlying health issues. So why do so few even mention the words "Covid" or "vaccine" in stories they post about these mysterious deaths? Far too many are doing the "wink wink" style of journalism where they mention the death, highlight that the cause of death is unknown, and then leave the readers to draw their own conclusions.

That's simply not good enough. On today's episode of The JD Rucker Show, I broke down two stories from this week in which the question needed to be asked.

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