The Romans, not Aliens, built the giant Baalbek Temple complex!

2 years ago

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Who would have thought that the biggest temple complex the Romans every built, was not in Rome, but in Baalbek also known as Helopolis, in modern day Lebanon. There, the Romans built their largest temple, devoted to Jupiter, even bigger than the largest in Rome. The Baalbek temple was incredibly impressive, with each column having a height of 20 meters and a diameter of 2.5 meters. But even crazier than the temple is the foundation of the temple. Some stones in that foundation weigh as much as 800 metric tons, which is so impressive, that many think that only Aliens or Atlanteans could have built something so incredible. But I have to disappoint Ancient Astronaut theory fans, because it was most likely the Romans. They used such gargantuan stones in order to protect the foundation against earthquakes. But how did they transport them? Well, with an intelligent system of Capstans, ropes, and pulleys, they managed to pull the stones from the quarry, which was actually lying higher than the temple foundation, and just pulled the Stones in place. You can even still see the holes where they attached the ropes. They abandoned two even larger stones, because they realized that moving 1000+ metric ton stones was a bit too insane. But still, this achievement shows what incredible master builders the Romans were, and it is a bit unfair to attribute this to Atlanteans or Aliens, taking this achievement away from the Romans.

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