Existential Fundamental Motivation | Dr. Alfried Längle | K3 Meaning Conference 2002

2 years ago

Keynote Lecture 3 p.m. – 3:50 p.m.

KL3 Alfried Längle, M.D., Ph.D., President, Society for Logotherapy
and Existential Analysis, Vienna

Chair – Derrick Klaassen, M.A., Trinity Western University

Existential fundamental motivation

Personal meaning as a complex achievement of the human spirit has to be found amongst the challenges of this world and one's own being there. How can human beings get along in the midst of all those innumerable possibilities of our days and how can it come to realisation?

Phenomenological and empirical researches show that there are three existential motivations underlying this fourth of finding meaning. Human beings have first to be related to the being-here in the world, to one's own life and to one's own identity (self): they are subsequently open and prone for relating oneself to a greater context from which derives personal meaning.

This paper describes these four fundamental aspects of existence, which form a matrix for the psychopathological understanding of psychic disorders and provide a background for clinical interventions. They represent the content model of modern Existential Analytical Psychotherapy.

Educational Objectives: 1) Explore the four fundamental aspects of human existence. 2) Examine how these motivations are involved in psychopathology and clinical interventions.

For more information on the 2nd Meaning Conference visit meaning.ca

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