"Victorians Have Had Enough of Daniel Andrews"

2 years ago

mirrored from https://rumble.com/c/c-1051444
With polls indicating an easy win for Daniel Andrews in Victoria come November, there are reports everywhere from multiple and politically diverse sources that the groundswell of anger is not being reflected.

The anger amongst normal, everyday Victorians for a Premier who is repeatedly 'dismissive and condescending' is real, but so are the polls.

We are told both that Daniel is popular by a huge majority, and that he is hated by a huge majority. We are dealing with mutually exclusive facts right now, and one side is very wrong.

Daniel's sudden failure to appear on the campaign trail, including at massive PR wins like the Grand Final, would indicate that he believes he is not personally popular for Labor's campaign. But we won't truly know until Nov 26 what the people think.

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