2 years ago

Actually, I didn't want to tell about it at first, but it is so important for humanity to share this experience....
I'm sure you know how serious a life-threatening condition can be in a SHTF situation. That goes without saying.
BUT what many people don't talk about is how small everyday ailments can cause big, big problems even when everything is fine in our society. (Which is NEVER the case - but that's a whole other topic). So if you want to know right now how to deal with these small but potentially life-threatening ailments, let me get right to the pointPeople rarely think of back pain, blood pressure, digestive problems, fungal infections, burns or even anxiety and depression when they think of a SHTF situation....

... but any of these everyday health problems can lead to major, life-threatening problems. When there are no hospitals, doctors or medicines left to take care of things like burns or fungal infections, you and your family are at risk. As you are reading this, I am sure you are among the few who are aware of this fact. This is exactly why you need to get informed as soon as possible. Don't get me wrong, I love living life, protecting my family, and I believe in the idea of fighting for my freedom until my last breath. But even more than that, I believe in being prepared and doing everything I can to ensure my family and bloodline survives in the event of a SHTF situation.

I also believe that this is why the good Lord has given us everything we need to survive and thrive in this world - that is, IF you know where to look. When my time comes, I don't want it to be because of something I could have prevented but didn't. And I certainly don't want it to happen because of something silly like a fungal infection, a digestive problem, a burn or a small infected wound! But the scary truth is that these little everyday ailments, things that normal people don't even think about under "normal" circumstances, can be the difference between life and death in a SHTF situation. That's why Dr. John Herzog felt it was his patriotic duty to write this Health Survival Manual, which you should check out NOW!

Dr. Herzog's mission is a little unusual for a doctor.

He wants to help Americans reduce or even avoid doctor visits and hospital stays - and also be prepared when times get tough. - You can learn more about his extremely important work HERE.
Don't get me wrong, I love living life, protecting my family, and I believe in the idea of fighting for my freedom until my last breath. But even more than that, I believe in being prepared and doing everything I can to ensure my family and bloodline survives in the event of a SHTF situation. And if you want that too then click on the following and see for yourself:

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