Nancy Pelosi Followed by Documentary Film Crew on January 6

2 years ago

[00:30] Pelosi’s Jan. 6 Film Crew (13 minutes)

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was followed by a documentary film crew on January 6. According to CNN, which recently released exclusive footage from Pelosi’s film crew, reported that “the footage was captured by Alexandra Pelosi, a documentary filmmaker and daughter of the Democratic speaker of the House.” Why did Pelosi plan ahead of January 6 to have a film crew follow her that day? Did she know things were going to get out of hand?

[13:30] U.S. Politics Update (27 minutes)

In this segment we hit some of the top stories in U.S. politics over the last week including updates on the Mar-a-Lago trial, the border crisis, Durham’s case against Igor Danchenko and the FBI’s attack on pro-life protestors.

[40:00] More COVID Propaganda (15 minutes)

A Pfizer executive recently admitted to the European Parliament that the company did not do any testing to learn if the COVID vaccine would prevent transmission of the virus prior to its release on the market. Pfizer’s defense is that it never claimed the vaccine would do that. So, on what “scientific” basis did governments around the world enforce their vaccine mandates?

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